Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ESD Terminal v0.94

ESD Terminal version 0.94 has now been loaded. This program is a serial terminal program designed to be used with a Bluegiga bluetooth device, or as a simple serial terminal. The changes include fixing some button functions (such as Call SPP which went missing), improving the speed on old computers, adding a Hex(adecimal) mode, echo, SPP and BGIO toolbars which are saved when the program is exited. The .cfg file contains all the settings in text format and can be viewed with Notepad.

ESD Terminal has some advantages over Putty which appears to be the default Windows 7 serial terminal program. ESD Terminal can handle a broken connection, and will automatically try to reconnect once a second. More features will be added to ESD Terminal, and the next one is to be able to log all data to a file. Any suggestions for improvements will be listened to carefully.

Monday, November 22, 2010


The website has now moved to www.esdn.com.au which should be easier to remember than the last one. We have this website for 2 years, and plan to keep it renewed now indefinitely. Please update your bookmarks to reflect this change. Thanks.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ESD Terminal v0.93

ESD Terminal has now been updated. With the advent of Windows 7, Hyperterminal seems to have disappeared, and the Windows 7 replacement seems to be Putty which is a free download. Unfortunately Putty has a few hangups - ie, lose the com port and the program hangs up and has to be restarted. This version of ESD terminal handles this a lot more gracefully - the Statusbar will show the status of the conenction as either Online or Offline. Even better, disconnect the USB dongle, the Online changes to Offline, and when the USB dongle is reinstated, Offline becomes Online.

We have also added a AutoDetect for the COM port which fills the Combo Box with a list of available COM ports, one of which may be selected and connected.

New features are MUX mode, improved graphics for the PIO dir/on/off functions, updated help and other stuff. The main purpose of this program is to help us debug bluetooth connections using Bluegiga iWrap, and any comments on useful changes/upgrades/enhancements would be appreciated.